segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

“The Boogie man”

A bogeyman is an imaginary being used by adults to frighten children into behaving. The monster has no specific appearance, and conceptions about it can vary drastically from household to household within the same community; in many cases, he has no set appearance in the mind of a child, but is simply a non-specific embodiment of terror.
Parents may tell their children that if they misbehave the bogeyman will get them. The Bogeyman may target a specific type of mischief, for example, a child that sucks their thumb, or even general mischief. In some cases the bogeyman is a nickname for the devil.
Bogeyman tales vary by region. In some places, the bogeyman is male; in others, female, and in others, both. Here are some examples to which the bogeyman changes from region to region:
·        In some Midwestern states of the United States, the bogeyman scratches at the window.
·        In the Pacific Northwest, he may manifest in "green fog".
·        In other places, he hides or appears from under the bed or in the closet and tickles children when they go to sleep at night. It is said that a wart can be transmitted to someone by the bogeyman.
Até à Próxima Dentada, R.I.P...

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